Our seneschal says: I’m trying a different (untimed) platform for our meeting. I’m using Google Meet. We can see if that works. Here’s the link:Shire of CorvariaSaturday, January 18 · 2:00 – 4:00pmTime zone: America/Los_AngelesGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/amb-riis-mpe
Author: corvaria_admin
12/7/2024 Meeting at 2:30pm
Zoom link for our meeting today, which has been delayed by half an hour: https://zoom.us/j/93080494291
11/16 Meeting at 2PM
Our next business meeting is approaching. It will be held on our next project day, 11/16/2024 at 2:00. If you have something you would like to add to the agenda, please message me. Free Zoom meetings cap out at 40 minutes. If our meeting runs longer, I will post a new link.Topic: Shire of Corvaria Read More
9/11 Business Meeting
This meeting will be online due to seasonal darkness, an indoor site is sought for the future. The Zoom Link will be available on Facebook or via text if it isn’t here (Webminister will be unavailable.) July Minutes
9/20 Summits Fall Coronet
Hello Corvaria! In 2.5 weeks we are running Coronet! We could use volunteers for just about everything. Donations would also be appreciated for Friday Night Soup and for the regalia fundraisers (Tin Can and/or silent auction).
New Zoom Link for tonight’s meeting
8/14 Last Business Meeting before Murder in the Desert
Meetings will be moved to the 2nd Wednesday of the month beginning at 7:30 p.m. Hopefully more shire members will be able to attend. The next meeting is August 14th. This will be the last meeting before Murder in the Desert. Please come. The meeting will be held at the pavilion near the Wilson entrance Read More
7/17 Archery Cancelled
Tryggr is traveling to Southmarch after all.
7/10 Business Meeting
Minutes from June Agenda Starts at 6:30pm Ponderosa Park at 15th and Wilson, entrance on Wilson. 225 Southeast 15th StreetBend, OR 97702United States No Zoom Link tonight. Next meeting 8/7
6/26 Cancelled Archery Impromptu
Cancelled due to approaching wildfire! This Wednesday, June 26th. An impromptu replacement day at the range of Temperance and Tryggr, loaner gear is available. Tamarack Rd., Sunriver, OR 97707