2pm Business Meeting, Saturday Jan. 18

Our seneschal says: I’m trying a different (untimed) platform for our meeting. I’m using Google Meet. We can see if that works. Here’s the link:Shire of CorvariaSaturday, January 18 · 2:00 – 4:00pmTime zone: America/Los_AngelesGoogle Meet joining infoVideo call link: https://meet.google.com/amb-riis-mpe

11/16 Meeting at 2PM

Our next business meeting is approaching. It will be held on our next project day, 11/16/2024 at 2:00. If you have something you would like to add to the agenda, please message me. Free Zoom meetings cap out at 40 minutes. If our meeting runs longer, I will post a new link.Topic: Shire of Corvaria Read More

9/20 Summits Fall Coronet

Hello Corvaria! In 2.5 weeks we are running Coronet! We could use volunteers for just about everything. Donations would also be appreciated for Friday Night Soup and for the regalia fundraisers (Tin Can and/or silent auction).